Turkey Oak (Quercus Cerris)
Turkey Oak (Quercus Cerris)
6 Saplings: £9.90
12 Saplings: £17.00
Common name: Turkey Oak
Latin name: Quercus Cerris
Genus: Quercus
Height: 40 m
Type: Evergreen
Hardiness: Zone 5 –12
Conservation status: Least concern
The Turkey oak is a large deciduous tree native to south east Europe.
It can grow up to 40 m tall with a trunk diameter of 8 ft. It can grow fast in its first 25 years, up to 3 ft per year if the conditions are good.
Glossy leaves are 7 cm to 15 cm in length. The acorns are large (2") set in a furry cup.
Trees are widely planted for their dense high quality timber.
Shoot growth usually starts in February and continues until September. Yearly height increases of 40–80 cm are common in season 2 under the right conditions.
Plants are 2 - 4" tall.
Saplings are in pots. I recommend that they are separated into individual pots upon receipt.
Fully hardy off to minus 21°C or colder come autumn
Seeds of the oak species can sustain root breakage with no detrimental effect on growth. Any root damage caused when re potting (roots snapping through the holes of the nursery pots) will encourage further fibrous root growth.
Keep free from competing weeds and never allow to completely dry out, waterlogging should also be avoided. Trees will perform best raised outdoors in full sunny position. The growth rate is medium and will soon need re-potting to beyond a 10" pot. Once the trees reach around 1 ft high they can be set in their final planting position.
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