Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)

from £9.90

Plants are 1 - 2 Inches Tall

50 saplings: £9.90

100 saplings: £18.00

200 saplings: £34.00

Number of saplings:
sold out
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Douglas Fir Data Sheet

Common name: Douglas fir
Latin name: Pseudotsuga Menziesii
Genus: Pseudotsuga
Height: 80 ft
Type: Evergreen
Hardiness: Zone 1–7
Conservation status: Critically endangered


Douglas fir Info

This species creates a superb ornamental Christmas tree with deep blue/green short needles. Douglas fir is native to the Rocky Mountains and reaches a height of around 80 feet with a 10 year growth height of around 11–12 feet. It makes for a classy garden tree that does not grow overly fast; it will not take over your garden in a couple of years. At maturity these trees can have an impressive 5 foot diameter trunk. The trunk is rough in appearance and has a rich dark brown colour. It is a long-lived species with a lifespan in excess of 700 years.

These trees rarely come up for sale and numbers are limited.


Growth Habit

Shoot growth usually starts in March and continues until September. Yearly height increases of 10–30 cm are common from season 2 onwards under the right conditions.

These were sown this year and are now prepping for their winter slumber. Plants are 1–2" tall.

Saplings are in pots. I recommend that they are left in their original pot until February 2018 then separated into individual pots.

Douglas fir trees are very hardy, these saplings will be fully hardy off to minus 21°C or colder by late autumn.


Care Instructions

Keep free from competing weeds and never allow to completely dry out, water logging should also be avoided. Your trees will perform best raised outdoors in full sunny position. The growth rate is slow-medium and will soon need re-potting to beyond a 4" pot. Once the trees reach around 1 ft high they can be set in their final planting position.


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